What is the opposite word for Motivation?

What is the antonym for Motivation?

  • discouragement
  • disincentive
  • dislike
  • depression
  • deterrent
  • block
  • counterincentive
  • hindrance
  • hatred
  • hate
  • dullness
  • preventive
  • demotivation

Below is a list of opposite words for motivation from different sources that you can use instead.

frame of reference of demotivation word

  • Opposite of a reason or incentive for acting or behaving in a particular way
  • Opposite of desire or willingness to do something
  • Opposite of an end goal or ambition
  • Opposite of a determination or effort (to do something)
  • Opposite of a passionate aspiration or ambition
  • (figurative) Opposite of something that provides a stimulus to the mind or soul
  • Opposite of the cause or latent beginning of a feeling, process, or condition
  • Opposite of the overwhelming desire or urge to advance one’s own career or social status, usually at the expense of other personal interests or social growth
  • Opposite of a (clear) purpose or reason for an endeavor
  • Opposite of something that is the source that produces a result
  • Opposite of determination and ambition to achieve something
  • Opposite of an ambition or hope
  • Opposite of ardor or zeal inspired by passion or enthusiasm
  • Opposite of a desire and determination to achieve success
  • Opposite of logic for belief, action

Details of background of demotivation

Opposite of a reason or incentive for acting or behaving in a particular way
disincentive counterincentive block discouragement hindrance impediment dissuasion inhibition obstacle determent deterrent obstruction prevention restraint curb limitation shackle dislike hate check suppression repulsion pull demotivator turn-off preventer depressant deterrence
“Bill Gates thinks leaving large sums to children serves as a disincentive for them to go out and do great things on their own.”

Opposite of desire or willingness to do something

unwillingness indisposition reluctance disinclination hesitance indisposedness hesitancy hesitation nolition aversion sweerness qualms averseness demurral refusal irresolution resistance opposition objection antipathy loathing disagreement indifference dissension denial apathy compunction discouragement doubt indecision
“The municipality’s averseness to take action has left it up citizens.”

Opposite of an end goal or ambition

pointlessness aimlessness futility purposelessness hopelessness triviality inanity insignificance unimportance meaninglessness uselessness inappositeness needlessness worthlessness impertinence inconsequence senselessness irrelevance irrelevancy stupidity inapplicability impracticality fruitlessness unnecessariness unnecessity gratuitousness
“I reflected on the futility of working in the job that I do and found that I am completely and utterly unfulfilled.”

Opposite of a determination or effort (to do something)

indifference apathy disinterest callousness disregard insouciance heedlessness nonchalance obliviousness dispassionateness discouragement dispiritedness detachment dispassion disinterestedness incuriosity coldness ennui unconcern dismissiveness inattention torpor droopiness lethargy aloofness cold-bloodedness lack of concern lack of enthusiasm lack of interest absence of feeling lack of feeling lack of sympathy

“Mike Pence announcement that he would run for President would be met with surprising apathy.”

Opposite of a (clear) purpose or reason for an endeavor

confusion disorder chaos confoundment disorientation disorganisation, disorderliness mayhem disarray messiness mess lack of focus
“There was a noticeable level of mayhem in the theme of the event.”

Opposite of something that is the source that produces a result
result consequence outcome effect ramification aftereffect aftermath corollary product resultant by-product repercussion side effect side reaction result from outgrowth upshot issue fruit implication impact fallout reverberation backlash aftershock end product payoff end result pay-off backwash fate sequel development sequence footprint dénouement conclusion end denouement.

“The degenerationists hold that savagery is the result of degeneration from a superior state.”

Opposite of determination and ambition to achieve something
apathy coldness coolness cowardice depression discouragement dullness enervation fear idleness inactivity indecision indifference laziness lethargy powerlessness question timidity weakness listlessness torpidity sluggishness inertia incompetence unimaginativeness being reality reluctance torpor disdain

Opposite of an ambition or hope

idleness laziness inactivity otiosity shiftlessness slothfulness torpidity indolence joblessness loafing loitering apathy inaction lazing truancy unemployment leisure passivity leisureliness passiveness lethargy indifference disinterest languor laxness unconcern insouciance listlessness faineance slackness “Demoralising idleness and the humiliation of charity or relief work left the unemployed dispirited, apathetic, or divided.”

Opposite of ardor or zeal inspired by passion or enthusiasm
clumsiness mediocrity

Opposite of a desire and determination to achieve success
apathy aversion contentment diffidence disgust disinterest dislike distaste hate hatred humility idleness inactivity indifference laziness lethargy pessimism repulsion satisfaction

Opposite of logic for belief, action, discouragement proof reality

Opposite of a passionate aspiration or ambition

aversion disinclination dread reluctance apprehension distaste hatred indisposition opposition revulsion unwillingness abhorrence antipathy consternation disfavour ,disgust dislike displeasure fear hate loathing repugnance repulsion abomination detestation disliking objection dissatisfaction disapproval grievance enmity resentment scorn horror gripe animosity disinterest execration pet hate indifference.

“He had an disinclination to thoughts of having to stay in his hometown for the rest of his life.”

(figurative) Opposite of something that provides a stimulus to the mind or soul.

“I am surprised that this fluff actually passed the chief editor’s approval.”

Opposite of the cause or latent beginning of a feeling, process, or condition
ancestor being concrete death effect end ending exterior exteriority outside parent result

Opposite of the overwhelming desire or urge to advance one’s own career or social status, usually at the expense of other personal interests or social growth Unselfishness